
japan station tsudumi gate kanji travel to kanazawa

I live in Kanazawa-city and introduce a station first.

Kanazawa Station that is a doorway of Kanazawa.

There is a dome in the east open space.

The dome image an umbrella to offer a person visiting Kanazawa.

"Omotenashi-dome" of the glass which expressed a heart of the hospitality.

"Omotenashi" mean well-come.

In addition, The gate "Tsudumi-mon" reflecting the image of the hand drum that it was used for traditional arts that posed in the front.

"o-motenashi" is the words that to express a reception with all the meaning that came well.

In the beginning of words , "o" becomes polite.

"hira-kana" and "kata-kana" was made from a kanji.

As for these, a kanji has a meaning by one character, but "kana" is the letter which only expresses merely sound.


japan kanji number how to read and write 7-8-9-10

I introduced 1-2-3 and 4-5-6 of the number of the Japanese kanji last time.

understand these kanji number ?

This time introduce how to read and write 7-8-9-10.

In Japanese, even the same kanji may be different in a reading.

It is ''on-yomi' and “kun-yomi”.

Now, finish the simple kanji number.

11 or more introduce a other time.


Japan Hi-Tech cool stationery 2 erase the ink

Have you watched the ball-point pen

which disappeared of the ink?

It is not a mechanical pencil.

This is special ink.

Ink does not really disappear.

It does not seem that I exceed 65 degrees centigrade

and consider it to become -20 degrees centigrade and come to obtain it.

Therefore a line disappears by the frictional heat

when rub it with the head of the pen.

The ink can erase even if warm it with a hair dryer.


Japan kanji Number How to read and write 4-5-6

I introduced 1-2-3 of the number of the Japanese kanji last time.

It is very simple and is easy to understand this as a kanji.

It becomes slightly difficult this time.

Got it?

The basic of writing are from the top to the bottom and the left to the right.

On the next time, I introduce me to 7-10.

Thank You.


japan samurai toshiie castle ishikawamon kenrokuen

japan samurai maeda toshiie castle ishikawamon kenrokuen

Ishikawa-mon Gate in Kanazawa-shi, Ishikawa、Japan.

It is the ruins of the castle.

The center of the castle burns, and there are already none.

excellent Ishikawa-mon Gate are left.

Unfortunately Kanazawa-jo Castle is left only in big Ishikawa-mon Gate.

In the castle of Japan, the outside was used in a moat.

A big stone is piled up on the base of the castle.

The appearance of the castle is white in all castles.


Samurai house kanji Bukeyashiki,Dobei and tuchikabe

Travel to Japan kanazawa ishikawa kaga maeda

Samurai house “Bukeyashiki”

The house say “Bukeyashiki” where a samurai lived in.

The samurai family is words to hint at a samurai.

There was a social position discrimination system called a merchant and the farmer.

The person born in the samurai family attends.

The person born in the merchant's family becomes a merchant.

A person born in the farmhouse is a farmer throughout the life.

It cannot change like Indian caste throughout the life.

But there is the person who became a merchant from a samurai.

In addition, it was allowed for the merchant with the power to have a sword.

Because it was allowed only a samurai to have a sword particularly is only a big merchant.

By the way, “Bukeyashiki” was surrounded at a wall.

In this wall “Dobei” , soil was plastered.

In the present age, there became few places with such an earthen wall in Japan.

This earth wall “Tuchikabe” is used in a house.

"Bukeyashiki" is meaning "samurai house".

"Do-bei" Wall of the soil

"Tuchi-kabe" Indoor earth wall

 pronounce to "tuchi","do"

Until before 40-50 years, it was used commonly.

However, it is very expensive to use “Tuchikabe” in a house in the present age.

Tuchikabe” and “Dobei” cut straw finely and are mixed with soil.

Tuchikabe” coordinates temperature and the humidity well.

Tuchikabe” is warm in winter coolly in the summer.


Start learning japan kanji 1 2 3

Before learning a kanji

A Japanese letter has a kanji, a hiragana letter and katakana.

The kanji came from China around 1,800 years ago and increased.

It is written old Japanese book only in a kanji like China.

However, a hiragana letter which expressed a sound came to be used among women in particular widely in (the early tenth century) in the Heian era.

And the katakana is used equally, too.

It is the same, and these express a kanji.

But there is a kanji to make the same pronunciation.

Therefore, only in a hiragana letter and katakana, I do not understand the meaning of the sentence well.

O. K. then, let's learn a kanji to express a simple number first.

It's One,Two,Tree.

One = draw a line from the left

Two = Similarly, pull two of them. tops are short.

three = Finally pull three of them. Bottom is long.

In Japan, do not draw straight the line of the letter.

This is because it attaches a sumi to the writing brush, and it wrote a letter in old days.
In fact, an exercise is necessary to write one line.

Please look well.

I only think that I understand that I do not draw straight a line.

Please understand this.

It is a very difficult thing that even a Japanese and a Chinese write a letter neatly.

Japan Hi-Tech cool stationery stapler no staples

Japan Hi-Tech cool stationery stapler no staples

It is a stapler, but does not need a stapler needle.

It is possible to eight pieces.

Do you use this?


Let's learn Japanese Kanji 1st Right & Left

Let's learn a Japanese kanji.

Here, please learn the kanji that a Japanese primary schoolchild learns.

It is 1,006 characters in total.

I introduce the simple example sentence using the kanji.

A Japanese sentence comes to considerably understand that you learn this.

I do attention when you write a kanji first.

In Europe and America, you write the letter aside towards the right from the left.
you move to the lower step when you finish writing one line.
However, in Japan, I write a letter lengthwise towards a bottom from the top.
I move to the left when I finish writing one line.
But there is the spread of PCs, too, and writing from left to right like Europe and America spreads recently.
I write the Japanese kanji towards the right from the left.
And I go below the top and write it.

For example, in this way.

This is a simple kanji, but is a meaning called the right.

The pronunciation is migi. I pronounce it "migii".

It is similar, but 2nd is a meaning called the left.

The pronunciation is hidari.

I pronounce it "hidari".


Samurai Maeda Toshiie in Oyama Jinjya Travel Japan

Oyama-jinjya is a Shinto shrine dedicated to Maeda Toshiie.

Maeda Toshiie was very friendly with Toyotomi Hideyoshi in important retainers of Odanobunaga.

Toshiie was the samurai who was very good at spearmanship.

Daughter Gou Hime one's in Toshiie of Hideyoshi adopted you.

In the later years, Tokugawa Ieyasu did not fight against Toshiie, too.

However, it became the world of Ieyasu when Toshiie died.

It was the Edo era.

Territory Kaga-han of Toshiie was big next to Ieyasu.

It is Oyama Jinjya to have enshrined this Toshiie.

The place is 11-1 Oyama-cho, Kanazawa city, Ishikawa.